The fully redeveloped Advanced Certificate course in Exterior Lighting provides learners with the vital, well informed next step in advancing their knowledge and education for a career in lighting.

The Advanced Certificate course fulfils the learner’s desire and need to know more and provides the crucial stepping stone for progressing their careers in lighting, be it in product development, sales or application and design.

The course is delivered by respected, highly qualified, well-known industry experts, all with University Recognised Teacher Status.

To reinforce and support the learning, completely new, up-to-date and comprehensive course textbooks have been written to capture and convey this wealth of experience.


Exterior Lighting Design Key Information

Teaching Location: ONLINE
Teaching Institution: The Lighting Industry Academy
Duration: 3.5 days + 12 week period for project completion
Delivery: Continuous days of classroom learning



Member cost:

Non Member cost:

Working at educational Level 5


£920+ VAT

£1,150 + VAT


The Lighting Industry Academy also offers the Advanced Certificate Course in Interior Lighting. The two advanced certificate courses are fully aligned with each other so that students taking them both will fully benefit from the course materials.

Who is the Exterior Lighting Course For

Aimed at experienced lighting professionals looking to further their skills and lighting knowledge or wanting to take their learning to the next level after completing the Lighting Industry Academy’s Certificate course.

The Advanced course offers those with a career in lighting to develop a much deeper understanding of light, vision and design to deliver professional schemes.  For those seeking a strategic advantage over their competitors, the course gives an in-depth understanding to apply the latest knowledge and thought processes.

The course offers the highest available level in vocational lighting training, working at Educational Level 5.

How Is The Exterior Lighting Course Delivered?

This course consists of three days of learning, a half day design briefing and the requirement to complete the interior lighting project over a twelve week period.

Exterior Lighting Course LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Students have the opportunity to uniquely explore the complete journey from the art of lighting, through the science and practicalities to the successful specification. The student will start with light and perception, move on to the design process, engage with lamps, luminaires, controls, CAD, and computer modelling and finally the use of codes and the production of specifications and drawings.

  • A design focused approach based on understanding the human factors of perception, recognition and orientation
  • Understanding the natural world and using this with predictive laws to improve your outdoor designs
  • Forms and functions of exterior lighting including sources, optics, maintenance and controls
  • Floodlighting for large areas and sports
  • Lighting architecture, facades and heritage buildings
  • Working with, convincing and specifying for the design team
  • Identifying the users and their needs
  • Handling large Infrastructure size projects, for example, Rail or Air Termini
  • Energy & Sustainability, environmental impacts and light nuisance
  • Using Master planning to give lighting a place in the city
  • Design stages, guidance, schedules, risk, contracts and finance
  • The science of light in the exterior night time environment
  • Computer software renders and measuring your installation

Exterior Lighting Course ATTENDANCE

This course consists of three days of learning, a half day design briefing and the requirement to complete the exterior lighting project over a twelve week period.

Exterior Lighting Course Assessment

Coursework and a major set project for the student to complete at the end.
Post-course all students will be provided with marked feedback.

Exterior Lighting Course Progression

Learners may also want to improve their knowledge of a specific topic of lighting by enrolling on to the courses in one of the following subject areas:

  • Standards and Legislation
  • Lighting Design Software (DIALux and Relux)
  • Emergency Lighting (endorsed by ICEL)



Bob Bohannon

Bob Bohannon

Head of Policy and Sustainability, The LIA

Bob has thirty-five years of experience designing and delivering lighting schemes, teaching lighting from new entrants to governments and empowering people on their value of light and sustainability journey.

Bob is a leading member of the UK lighting community as a past President of the Society of Light and Lighting, as well as an Executive Board member of LightingEurope.

Trained originally with the LIF (now LIA Knowledge) he went on to gain the UCL master's degree in Light, Lighting and Architecture.

Bob’s technical, design and project management skills helped deliver many major projects from St. Pancras to Heathrow via the Royal Albert Hall. He was co-designer for the Iron Bridge at Telford, which won both a Lux Award and an international [d]arc award and was the lighting designer for White Hart Lane Station, Tottenham, which won an IES Award of Merit in 2021. 

A strong believer in sustainability, Bob led the team that created the CIBSE/SLL TM66 Circular Economy initiative, which won both Platinum and Green at the Build Back Better Awards and was recognised with the SLL Lighting Award.

[email protected]



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Our goal was to enhance your experience and provide you with valuable resources to support your professional growth and industry engagement.

Here are some of the fantastic new features you can explore:

  • Enhanced Usability
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  • Streamlined Events
  • And much more!

If you have any questions, feedback, run into technical issues, please email Meg Henshaw - [email protected].

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