Tech Board

The LIA Tech Board is a dynamic team of industry experts and visionary leaders dedicated to steering the strategic direction of The LIA technical approach. By leveraging their diverse expertise the board aims to enhance The LIA technical impact in the UK, drive technological advancements, and deliver value to members and key stakeholders.

The Tech Board Chair
Andy Hughes

Andy Hughes

Senior Manager - Technical, Zumtobel Group

Andy Hughes started his career with Thorn Lighting Ltd. in 1978 and since 2010 has been Standards and Regulations Manager to the Zumtobel Group, the parent company of Thorn Lighting since 2000. In IEC, Andy has been a UK nominated expert to many of the committees and working groups of TC34 (Lighting) since 1990, alongside his work in the mirroring committees of BSI and CENELEC. From 2010 to 2019 Andy was the Chair of SC34D (Luminaires) and was Convenor of the SC34D Working Group LUMEX (WG1) from 2008 to 2024. Outside of IEC, Andy has been Chair of the Lighting Industry Association Technical Board since 2012 and also represents his company within the European trade association LightingEurope.


Tech Board Members
Jack Adams

Jack Adams

Technical and Accreditation Manager, The LIA

Martin Afford

Martin Afford

Technical Manager, ELP

Miguel Aguado

Miguel Aguado

Marketing and Technology Manager, Lutron

Paul Davidson

Paul Davidson

Contractor, Ansell

John Gorse

John Gorse

Public & Government Affairs Lead UK/I, Signify

Roger Heyworth

Roger Heyworth

Product Manager, Advance LED Lighting

Shaun Horsfield

Shaun Horsfield

Technical Director, BELL Lighting

Ali Kay

Ali Kay

Director, Head of Development, Stoane Lighting

Neil McLean

Neil McLean

Industry Relations (Europe and Asia), Lutron

Dave Ralph

Dave Ralph

Technical Director, DAR Lighting

Peter Thorns

Peter Thorns

Head of Strategic Lighting Applications, Thorn Lighting

Ian Watts

Ian Watts

Business Development Manager, Llumarlite

Stewart Langdown

Stewart Langdown

Marketing Committee Chair, Director Of Business Development

Ayça Donaghy

Ayça Donaghy


Lawrence Barling

Lawrence Barling

Senior Technical Manager, The LIA

Stuart Burns

Stuart Burns

Senior Sustainability and Technical Policy Manager, The LIA

Dan Griffiths

Dan Griffiths

Technical Operations Manager, The LIA