TM66 Assured Product Verification Scheme

The TM66 Assured Product Verification Scheme is an innovative initiative developed and fulfilled by the Lighting Industry Association (LIA) and endorsed by CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers). This scheme aims to advance Circular Economy practices within the lighting industry.

The TM66 Assured Product Verification Scheme adds a layer of credibility and verification to the already comprehensive TM66 toolkit, which includes the guidelines outlined in CIBSE's TM66 Creating a Circular Economy in the Lighting Industry (click here for the full CIBSE TM66 Publication) and the Circular Economy Assessment Methods (CEAM) used to assess the Circular Economy credentials of lighting products across the supply chain.

By participating in the TM66 Assured Scheme, lighting manufacturers can have their circularity claims independently verified. This verification process ensures the accuracy, objectivity, and consistency of the ratings provided by manufacturers for their luminaires.

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Benefits of TM66 Assured


There are many benefits to achieving TM66 Assured independent verification:

  • Allows manufacturers to demonstrate their sustainability efforts, offering clear differentiation from unsubstantiated greenwashing!
  • Provides decision-makers with confidence that circular economy claims made by manufacturers are robust and comparable between products!
  • Ensures the accuracy, objectivity, and consistency of the ratings provided by manufacturers for their luminaires!
  • Offers protection throughout the value engineering process, enabling informed and sustainable procurement decisions!
  • Contributes to establishing a much-needed level playing field in sustainability ratings within the lighting industry!
  • Promotes transparency and credibility ensuring that circular economy principles are upheld and recognised throughout the supply chain!
  • Advances circular economy practices within the lighting industry!


TM66 Assured Product Verification Scheme Document

Download the Document Here