CB Certification

CB Certification Explained

CB Certification is part of the CB Scheme, a global system for mutual recognition of test results and certificates concerning the safety of electrical and electronic products. Administered by the IECEE, this certification facilitates international trade by allowing products tested once by an authorized testing center (CBTL) to be accepted in multiple countries without the need for retesting.

Why get CB certified?

Obtaining CB Certification testing is crucial for manufacturers aiming to market their electrical and electronic products globally. This certification proves that products comply with international safety standards, facilitating acceptance in over 50 participating countries without the need for additional testing.
CB Certification streamlines the process of achieving multiple national safety certifications, significantly reducing time to market and testing costs. CB Certification enhances product credibility, boosts consumer confidence, and provides a competitive edge in the global marketplace, making it a strategic move for expanding international sales and ensuring compliance with the highest safety standards.

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