Countdown: Less than 9 weeks to go until GB Relabelling deadline

Thanks to our collaboration with BRC, the LIA successfully obtained a 6-month extension from DESNZ/OPSS on the GB Eco-design for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information (Lighting Products) Regulations 2021, with the deadline pushed back to 1st October 2023.
The regulations stipulate that by the 1st October 2023 date, dealers must replace the labels on any remaining stock, from the old light source (lamp) energy labels (ranging from A++ to E rating) to the new rescaled label (from A to G rating).
With the countdown very much in its final weeks, it's vital to make sure you sell or relabel any stock of lamps with the old energy label prior to the 1st October deadline.
For more in-depth information about these regulations and the relabelling process, don't hesitate to click here! Stay ahead and stay compliant!
CLICK HERE for more information!