Ethical Judgement


This online course is part of a broader offers you the tools to navigate ethical dilemmas with confidence. Designed to help you develop a foundational understanding of ethical judgement, this course explores key philosophical and decision-making frameworks essential for addressing ethical challenges in personal and business contexts.

You’ll learn how to analyse and apply various ethical frameworks, recognise the impact of globalisation on ethics, and work through real-world scenarios to make well-informed, balanced decisions. Whether dealing with issues of profitability vs. environmental responsibility or transparency vs. privacy, this course equips you to develop strategies that align with both ethical integrity and business success.


Delivery Method

Self-paced, online


Who Is It For?

Perfect for those who wish to progress into or are already in leadership, management, or supervisory roles, or those who are keen to understand more about being more resilient.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and articulate the concept of ethical judgement and its relevance to personal and business decision-making
  • Analyse and apply various philosophical ethical frameworks to resolve ethical dilemmas
  • Use structured decision-making models to approach ethical problems
  • Recognise and navigate the ethical challenges posed by cultural differences in a globalised business environment
  • Develop strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas that balance conflicting priorities such as profitability, transparency, and responsibility

This course also contributes to achieving the behaviour elements of the ICEL Competency Scheme, specifically:

  • Demonstrate effective teamwork and communication
  • Work to relevant quality requirements and standards
  • Show a commitment to safety culture through challenging and/or reporting unsafe behaviours and activities that you become aware of
  • Act ethically to contribute to safe outcomes
Next Steps

This course forms part of our ‘Values’ leadership development framework, you may be interested in the following courses:

  • Strategic Vision
  • Collaboration

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