LIAQA Participation

What is LIAQA?

The Lighting Industry Association Quality Assurance (LIAQA) scheme is a specialised quality assurance mark designed by industry experts at The LIA. This scheme rigorously evaluates a member's quality system and their adherence to regulatory requirements. Upon meeting and demonstrating the required standards, members are awarded the LIAQA Assured Company Mark, signifying their commitment to excellence and compliance in the lighting industry.

LIAQA Award Winners

LIAQA Award Winners

Two LIAQA members are carefully chosen to receive one of the coveted LIAQA awards. These are for Commitment to Quality and Compliance, and the other for Consistent Quality and Compliance. Nominees are meticulously selected through a process devised by The LIAQA team, with the awards presented at The LIA's Annual Lunch. Follow the link below for the full list of LIAQA winners over time.

Find Out More


What does it mean?

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The LIAQA assured company mark shows that the LIA member has successfully fulfilled the criteria set by the LIA for product acceptance, manufacturing process requirements, and have provided evidence that supports product conformity. LIAQA Assured Members can showcase to their customers that as suppliers of lighting and lighting related products they have a system in place that effectively addresses product compliance and quality control.

How Do We Do This?

LIAQA members receive an annual quality and compliance assessment, typically at the LIAQA members premises. This is technically an audit but as you will read in the feedback comments below [link], it is an audit that is welcomed by most. The LIAQA assessor will review the company’s quality system, checking that there are processes and procedures in place to underpin quality control and facilitate product  compliance, and provide help and guidance to fulfil any shortfalls. The assessment includes a review of:

  • The Quality Management System (QMS) and Documentation
  • How the company controls purchasing of components or finished goods
  • The checks and measures applied when goods are received
  • How production, assembly and routine testing are conducted and controlled
  • The knowledge, skills, and competency of staff to fulfil quality and compliance
  • The traceability of records to products, and products to manufacturers
  • How the company controls outsource supply, such as manufacture in China
  • Is test equipment appropriate and used correctly
  • Are the companies complaints and product recall processes effective
  • Is the company reviewing and maintaining their quality management system
  • Product compliance. A product is selected at random and assessed for compliance with UKCA requirements (and other legislation)

Why Do We Do This?

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We do this because we want to reassure the customers of LIAQA members that when they see the UKCA or CE mark on the products, the mark actually means something.


Lighting products must carry the UKCA or CE mark. This mark indicates that the product conforms to all the UKCA or CE legislative requirements. The sad truth is that the marks can be applied without the required conformity assessments being carried out. This is both risky and illegal. As part of the LIAQA quality audit we review the full UKCA/ CE technical file for a randomly selected product, and of course advise on any shortfalls and how to address them. An LIAQA member that cannot produce a compliant technical file, or does not have procedures in place to facilitate product compliance, will not be awarded the LIAQA Assured company status logo as shown above. Look for the LIAQA Assured logo now you know what it means.

  • Further information on UKCA can be found here.
  • Further information on CE marking can be found here.

Pre-shipment Product Inspections

If you are performing pre-shipment inspections of product  at source, and the inspectors do not have an appropriate qualification, we can approve them. We do this by auditing a pre-shipment inspection, and as always provide help and guidance on any shortfalls. Once approved, the pre-shipment inspector(s) will receive an LIAQA Inspector certificate valid for two years.

Supplier Audits

If you are performing supplier audits, and the auditor(s) do not have an appropriate qualification, we can approve them. We do this by providing LIAQA factory audit training and the required documentation to perform the audit. Once approved, the auditor(s) will receive an LIAQA factory auditor certificate valid for two years.

LIA China Team

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The LIA have approved inspectors in the Dongguan area of China that can perform both supplier audits and pre-shipment inspections upon request. They can also perform ethical audits if required. 


If you are interested in any of these services please contact [email protected].

Global Support

Support is readily available to LIAQA members and their suppliers overseas, provided by global travellers and a dedicated team in Asia. Our overseas services include supplier evaluations and audits, pre-shipment inspections, and training.


The History of LIAQA


  • LIA Code Of Practice becomes LIAQA.
  • LIAQA accounts for 31% of members.


  • First LIAQA award is presented to Tamlite.


  • LIAQA accounts for 51% of members.


  • LIAQA accepted as entry to ICEL.


  • LIAQA updated for UKCA.


  • LIAQA add another award for continued commitment to quality.
  • LIAQA accounts for 83% of members.


LIAQA Feedback