ICEL Competency Scheme

ICEL Emergency Lighting Competency Framework & Scheme

Learning Routeway to Emergency Lighting Sector

Learning Routeway to Emergency Lighting Sector

For individuals who are either new to the emergency lighting industry or who have not undertaken formal learning in the last 5 years.

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Experiential Routeway to Emergency Lighting Sector

Experiential Routeway to Emergency Lighting Sector

For individuals who currently work within emergency lighting and undertake the relevant domain activities on a regular basis.

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ICEL Competency Framework Overview

To learn more about the framework and find out if it is right for you, download the guidance here.

Download the Document Here


The Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting (ICEL) plays a pivotal role in strengthening the emergency lighting sector and advocating for high-quality lighting solutions. Representing the industry at national, European, and international levels, ICEL ensures compliance with legislation and standards, while safeguarding the interests of both the public and its members. As a division of The Lighting Industry Association (LIA), ICEL specialises in supporting the emergency lighting market, with a long-standing commitment to promoting competence across the sector.

This webpage outlines an overview of the ICEL Competency Framework and provides guidance for individuals considering participation in the Competency Scheme. Please note, this is not the complete framework. For access to the full ICEL Competency Framework and accompanying Guidance Notes, you must register for the Competency Scheme via The LIA website. A downloadable Competency Overview document is available below.

The ICEL Competency Scheme is administered by The LIA, a not-for-profit organisation, under the governance of the ICEL Council. This structure ensures robust oversight and guarantees that the scheme aligns with the needs of the emergency lighting industry, as well as broader regulatory requirements.

The ICEL Competence Framework Strategy, first published in March 2023, sets out a vision of ensuring all organisations and professionals in the emergency lighting field are fully competent in their roles. The market is increasingly recognising the importance of competence, driving demand for services from individuals and companies that can demonstrate their commitment through appropriate industry registration.

This framework is designed to help individuals demonstrate their competency in emergency lighting activities, while complementing existing organisational registration mechanisms, such as those compliant with ISO:17065.


The ICEL Competency Framework is made up of two key components:

The Framework

Which encompasses four core domains of competency, along with associated levels and activities.

The Competency Scheme

A structured process for individuals to assess, develop, and record their competence against the framework. The scheme also maintains an independent database of participants who have demonstrated competence according to industry standards


ICEL Competency Banner.png

For individuals, registration in the scheme provides tangible proof of your skills, knowledge, and experience to employers and clients. For organisations, participating in the scheme allows for effective competency management within the workforce, helping to ensure compliance with best practices and quality management systems.

The ICEL Competency Framework and Scheme focus on the registration of individuals who can demonstrate competence in specific emergency lighting activities. It is not designed to replicate other occupational schemes but instead registers individuals based on their competency in defined activities, rather than an overarching job role.

Employers are encouraged to ensure their staff are registered in a combination of activities appropriate to their responsibilities. These activities are defined within four core domains:

Product Design Management

Leading and managing product design, including the development of briefs, specifications, and oversight of technical work.


Defining emergency lighting needs, conducting risk assessments, and managing procurement.

Scheme Design

Developing lighting schemes, including identifying the appropriate products.

Sales & Distribution

Marketing and supplying emergency lighting products, either as a manufacturer or distributor.




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